
FAQs-Frequently Asked Questions

How to make a booking?
The advised way is to make a booking online, fill in all the required information, and confirmation is sent to you instantly. You are not required to prepay or enter credit card data to secure your booking. For more difficult routes and special requests, sending an email is the best way. You can also make bookings over the phone (although it is a less recommended way); in this case, please have your flight number, arrival time and lead passenger name handy to speed up the booking process.
What happens if my flight/train/bus is delayed?
Your driver will be kept aware of your flight's arrival time and will be waiting to pick you up whenever your flight does arrive—all at no extra charge. We track your flight in "real-time" so that whether your plane /train/bus is on time, early or late, we are aware of your status and will meet you based on your actual arrival time.
Where can I find a driver at the airport or hotel?
At the airport: Driver will wait INSIDE the arrivals hall. He will hold a sign with your name. Private address: The driver will meet you in front of the building. At the hotel: The driver will be waiting for you at the reception

if you have any questions, please contact us, email: info@transfersline.com or via whatsapp at the number: +420 725 986 855

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